Our Mission
The mission of the Martin Business Association is to coordinate and maximize the efforts of groups and businesses within the City of Martin in order to enhance community awareness of available local resources.
Vision Statement
The City of Martin is rich, diverse and growing. As individual businesses and organizations combine efforts and talents through the Martin Businesses Association the city’s potential for historical, financial, and spiritual growth known no boundaries.
The Martin Business Association believes that we can invest in the success of one another and make Martin a more cohesive and successful business community. One customer.. One business… One experience at a time.
2021 MBA Board of Directors
Back Row:
Nicole Kincade (Twin Oaks Technology), Lynette Wagster (Weakley County Press), Camille Noe-Treasurer (City of Martin), Scott Taylor (State Farm Insurance), Cory Davis (Performance Chiropractic), Kaycee Parker ( Merle Norman Cosmetics), Courtney Echols (WC Prevention Coalition), and Dustin Frazier- Past President (First Community Bank)
Front Row:
Stacie Herrell (Higher Ground Coffee Co.), Landy Fuqua – Vice President (Reed Center), Keith Carver (UT Martin Chancellor) Suzanne Harper-President (Twin Oaks Technology), Tammie Bell (West TN Healthcare), and Hannah Stewart-Secretary (UTM)